Educated Women To Run A flipClass Center
flipClass Center is for students in grade I to V.
Highly qualified, well-trained, and certified flipClass Teacher Partners deliver the
home tuition. is India's leading marketplace for quality home/online/group tuitions, connecting budding and passionate teachers to students across the country.
We have a network of highly qualified and filtered tutor-partners to teach your child, helping him/her build a strong foundation in key subject areas.
flipClass Teacher Partners are handpicked from a vast pool of educated women who are looking for a meaningful home-based occupation. After undergoing the screening process, they are trained and made to appear for multiple assessments before being certified. This ensures quality and credibility of their home-based flipClass centers.
The program aligns to CBSE and ICSE for Math and Science. Mental Ability engages the students to learn at their own pace. This is designed by alumni of IIT and IIM, Stanford. flipClass teacher partner receive continuous training that will help them how to teach and what to teach.
Job Role
flipClass Teacher Partner.
Roles and Responsibilities
Make students ahead in class with strong concept building in Math and Science by setting up a center at your home.
Teach students in grades I-V using MindQuest learning system.
Work 2 hours a day and teach up to 5 students in a batch an hour.
Eligibility Criteria
Should have strong mathematics and science background.
Should have good communication skills
Should have the provision to accommodate atleast 5 students at a time in her living
No relocation plans in the near future.
flipClass Teacher Partners earn up to INR 40,000 per month (depending on the
number of students they have enrolled.)
Other perks include amount earned through referrals
Skills Required

Posted by:
Deepa Bhat
- Company :
- Location: Bengaluru, (Karnataka)
Job based in:
Teaching - Job type: Entrepreneurship Opportunity
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